Daft Police and a Navy Exercise of Somalia
A nearby Police force seem to have lost the plot, like many Forces, they are entertaining swingeing staff cuts, massive savings and using over bloated, commercial strength advisory teams to tell them who is to go and who is to stay. I bet they have an IT/HR department with more staff in it, than they have Officers on Nights shift! Or days shift come to think of it.
Now, in their infinite wisdom, they are trying to educate householders who leave a window open, or an unattended door unlocked, they could fall prey to Billy Burglar. We know householders become lackadaisical and leave doors open, or the kids will go out and not shut it properly behind them, or they will sit watching TV at full blast while the rest of the house is left to fend for its self.
Common sense says an officer on finding such an example, would drop a post it note onto the inside of the window and close the door or offending window. Announcing you are going to creep around after midnight and enter peoples property, to rouse them from their slumber, to admonish them for maintaining poor security, is tantamount to being utter foolishness. I have some questions.
• How long before an Officer is held liable for damage done when entering a person’s property?
• What happens if an officer is hurt by the homeowner believing the officers to be a burglar?
• Who selects the properties to be entered, will they choose easily frightened pensioners, or well to do upper crust footballers and politicians living in Alderly Edge near Macclesfield?
• Why cannot the officers be deployed on normal night time duties, as there are so very few on duty after midnight, often only two or three officers are out and about after midnight due to their mates needing to fill in forms in HQ, guard prisoners waiting to be processed, taking their rest break(refs) or travelling to a location for ‘obs’.
Whatever idiot dreamed up this caper needs to be short listed for redeployment, as quickly as possible, maybe to do nights in empty town centres while they learn the lesson of the effects had on the rest of the Force by making stupid public decisions.
He won’t be on his own…
Some spineless uniform wearers need to be redeployed away from the front line in the south of the country. They were unable to jump into a cold wet river to rescue children trapped in a sinking car for fear of Health and Safety, they said. Cowards, if you ask me they were scared of jumping in the river to help save lives. Period. They should be stripped of the privilege of wearing the Police Uniform and be tasked with working with the lonely officer above, the one who also makes stupid decisions.
They wont be on their own.
Gutless and useless labour MP’s are refusing to act upon the news that the Chandlers are still being held on the Malawi Coast by Pirates. These Pirates took them from the Indian Ocean while they sailed upon it legally minding their own business travelling the high seas in international waters. Have our Lords and peers sent in the troops to rescue them, have they heck. They have refused to pay back money they fiddled on expenses.
They have broke the law claiming for mortgages that were already paid for, they have argued gleefully that the prime minister is doing a wonderful job creating more laws in ten years than has been created in the twenty five previous years. They have supported and invested in the banks that have collapsed and been bolstered by public money, they have claimed a life of absurd self emancipation from the taxpayer’s pockets, but they have done nothing in return, to pluck the Chandlers from their dreadful situation.
Even worse, our troops are not that far away, complying with health and Safety, they even give the pirates fuel and fresh water when they are found on their leaky boats on the high seas. How barmy is that!
Put some rounds into the breaches those up to date modern guns and lay a few rounds on the beach before breakfast and while the pirates are running around like headless chickens, a few SBS lads can go in and bring out the chandlers.
As the helicopters leave, start softening up the beach again, and the villages that have supported the pirates. Then, announce to the press that you had nothing to do with it; it was only a couple practice shells that never reached the shore and that no helicopters were used in the Defence Practice Exercise.
Let the Chandlers come home and have a press conference a couple days later to tell their story. Simple.