Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Police Blogger Fails to Understand.

In reply to: http://pcbloggs.blogspot.com/

Comparing Minor police expenses to the way our troops are being misunderstood by parliamentarians.

To: PC Bloggs, Blandshire (Whinging and Moaning, Division of stupidity)

You are way out of line with this one, for now, you are the one that ‘doesn’t get it’. Comparing your silly squanderings of meal allowance, sick pay and a million other little soaks that cost the tax payer a couple extra quid each on their Council Tax (Seven quid according to a flyer that came through my door) to the events concerning Servicemen is uncalled for and not needed.

Servicemen undergo a change in lifestyle and values that you as a Police Officer will never undergo and never fully understand. You get to claim overtime for working a little past the clock.

The serviceman is paid to work twenty four hours a day, every day, every year until they complete their terms of service. You get a little uniform allowance, and boy I hear your complaints about how its icky in the summer, how it makes you stand out on nights, how it attracts attention to you when your going home in the car and how the cap badge and the thingy for torches doesn’t quite work the way your ‘think’ it should.

The servicemen gets a generous uniform supplement because he is going to wear that kit all day every day in many countries in many conditions, day and night with no extra allowance.

No, you cannot compare the police force with the armed services, hells teeth, you go around killing innocent civilians with your cars, casco sticks and guns and get away with it. The worst that will happen to you is you might be jailed. Our serving military people don’t get away with it, they come back in a bloody box, and the worst that can happen to you is that you will be fired, our boys and girls are fired at!

You have crossed a line, and probably knew you were. You are just a whining, pointless, job laden blogger. Bitching about the perils of your dream job, complaining about the cost of doing the job you volunteered for and suggesting that if it were not for good people like yourself, people like Fiona Pilkington and her daughter, Baby P, Ian Tomlinson and others would not be boxed off as they have been. Leave it out. There is no way that you lot even come close to the guys wearing the Queens standard with pride, you’re not even in the same league, you don’t get it, do you.