Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Tired of listening to MP's complain.

I don’t want to hear leading political figures apologising for members of their cabinet. Technically, the members who have made claims for products and services that have been deemed to be in the spirit of expenses listed in the Green Book, but who now appear to have been taking the Great British Public for a ride, should be dismissed and handed over to the Police and the VAT Authorities.

Where we have quite happily made a rule that enabled the free flow of public money into pockets owned by MP’s, we should now create the complimentary role of removing those financial abusers, removing the public owned money from them, and then placing them in a position that prohibits the person from attending any meeting upon the behalf of the poor innocent voters in the constituency that sadly elected them in the first place.

You cannot sack an MP, but you can ensure that a person, who has acted much like a highwayman, is unable to resume office, and that needs to be done now.
It is a perfect moment for a new leader to shut parliament and call an immediate election, with every sponging MP being barred from attending for life. Mr Cameron seems to be the only one who has not siphoned funds from the system, let him be the one to select a safe house to see us through the General Election. I have no doubt the Ghurkhas would be given the rights and freedoms we have promised, without fuss or demerit.